GG 447 Gerda

Ångtrålare som byggdes 1891 vid R. Dixon i Middlesborough, Storbritannien, som M 86 Comus för Frederick Joseph Sellick, William Stephen Moxley m.fl. På 133 bruttoton med en 50 hk ångmaskin från North Eastern Marine Engineering i Sunderland. Ägandet övertaget av Frederick Robert Greenish år 1903 med Messrs. Sellick, Morley & Price som managementbolag. Såld till svenska intressenter 1911:

At the Lord Nelson on Wednesday afternoon Messrs. Evans and Roach put up a number of trawlers and other vessels for sale by auction. There was a large attendance of gentlemen connected with local shipping.

Three iron screw steam trawlers, which in their day have helped in the rise of Milford as a fishing port, were offered under instructions from the executors of the late Mr. Frederick Joseph Sellick. The ”Comus”, built in 1891, 96.5 ft. length x 20.3 ft. breadth, received a commencing bid of £100, but went no further than £275, and was withdrawn. The ”Circe”, built in 1892, 100.5 ft. length x 20.4 ft. breadth, was started at £300, rising to £500, and then withdrawn. The ”Blue Jacket”, built 1896, 101.0 ft. x 20.5 ft., was also started at £300, and looked like changing hands, but the reserve was not reached and she was withdrawn at £620.

The steam trawler ”Rosslyn Castle” was next on offer. She is owned by Messrs. William Jenkins, R. D. James, Ford, Mathias and I. Jenkins, and was built in 1897, tonnage 184, length 112 ft., beam 21 ft. Only one bid of £150 was forthcoming, and the vessel was withdrawn.


The steam trawlers ”Comus”, Blue Jacket” and ”Circe” (Sellick, Morley and Price, managers), which were recently offered by public auction, have since been sold privately to Swedish trawling people. The first two left the Dock on Monday morning’s tide, and took farewell to the port after a connection of twenty years for one, and fifteen years for the other. Their destination is Gottenburg. They have been laid up for some time. The ”Circe” will make for the same place after landing her catch this week.

The steam trawler ”Reliance”, owned by Mr. J. G. Cayley, has also changed hands, and in future she will fly the French flag. She left on Tuesday for the port of Dieppe.

Messrs. Sellick, Morley and Price have two new vessels on order, so that the old are being replaced by better and more up-to-date vessels.

Köpare i Sverige var AB Gadus Fabriker i Göteborg med Hilding Jansson som chef och båten fick nummer och namn GG 447 Gerda. Såld till Fiskeri AB Svea (Anders Stönner) år 1914. Upphuggen 1927.

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