1938 grundades Scottish Herring Producer’s Association Limited, föregångaren till Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA). 1973 fick organisationen efter viss ombildning och förändring namnet Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation (SFO) och 1968 blev det en organisation med det nuvarande namnet:

In 1973 the Scottish Fishermen’s Organisation (SFO) was formed. It took responsibility for certain marketing responsibilities such as the withdrawal price scheme. Later that year the Association was prominent among the original six Associations, which formed the even more broadly based Scottish Fishermen’s Federation. In 1978 the Association’s name was changed to Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association Limited, reflecting members’ diversification into other pelagic fisheries, most notably mackerel which has since become the single most important species to the sector.

Målsättningen för SPFA formuleras så här på hemsidan:

The aim of the Association is to promote and protect the interests of the Scottish pelagic fishing fleet by:

  • Supporting the sustainable fishing of pelagic stocks;
  • Maximising the fishing opportunities available to members;
  • Ensuring that members are allowed to participate equitably in international fisheries; and,
  • Placing strong emphasis on safety, training and quality.

SPFA har 26 medlemsbåtar i Nordirland, Skottland och Shetland.

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