Charisma Fishing

Charisma Fishing Co Ltd äger den pelagiska trålaren LK 362 Charisma på 2 424 ton och är ett dotterbolag till Charisma Holding Co Ltd. Ägare till Charisma Holding Co Ltd är William Polson, James John Tulloch och Larry Williamson med 16,60% var, John Laurence Pearson med 14,15%, David K Hutchison med 12,9%, Colin Greig Anderson och John David Anderson med 8,76% var samt Laurence I Pearson, Stephen Williamson och Roy Edwin Huntley med 1,64% var.

I styrelsen för Charismabolagen sitter Hazel Jane Henderson, James John Tulloch, David Kay Hutchison, Colin Greig Anderson (också i Jasper Fishing Co Ltd), William Polson, Larry Williamson och John David Anderson (också i Utsker Fishing Ltd) och John Laurence Pearson. Charisma är hemmahörande på Whalsay i likhet med många andra stora pelagiska trålare från Shetland.

Ägare av Jasper Fishing är Colin Grieg Anderson och ägare av Utsker Fishing är John David Anderson. Vilka fiskebåtar bolagen äger är okänt.

På svenska Styrsö finns också en fiskarfamilj med namnet Tullock. De äger Bravik Fiskeri AB som äge trålaren GG 201 Bravik.

David Kay Hutchison är en av de fiskare som dömts för olovligt fiske i Nordsjön:

The group admitted making illegal landings of mackerel and herring worth £47.5 million between January 1 2002 and March 19 2005.

The ”black fish” scam, which broke sea fishing laws, was carried out at fish processing factory Shetland Catch in Lerwick, Shetland.

Judge Lord Turnbull said the scam is ”an episode of shame” for the pelagic fishing industry.

He said it was a ”cynical and sophisticated” operation which had the ”connivance of a number of different interested parties”.

The Daily Record recently revealed the scale of the scam.

The trawler men behind the “black fish” swindle heaped gifts on family and friends.

They also used some of the cash to improve their fleets so they could catch even more fish. The 17 skippers admitted landing illegal catches worth £47.5million.

But sources close to the Shetland fishing community suggested the extent of the scam could be much bigger.

One said: “The figure is just the tip of the iceberg. One of those boats could land that in a year and there is more than one vessel and skipper involved.

“It doesn’t require Carol Vorderman to work it out.

“I don’t think we will ever know how much they made and where all that money went.”

Det handlade om mycket stora pengar:

Robert John Polson, 47, made 46 ”black” landings worth £3,682,000, and David Kay Hutchison, 64, made 49 landings worth £3,698,433, from the vessel Charisma; Thomas Sutherland Eunson, 55, made 18 illegal landings worth £1,457,243, and Allen Magnus Anderson, 44, made four undeclared landings valued at £442,168 from the trawler Serene; while John Arthur Irvine, 66, made 56 landings worth £3,658,981 and Allister Irvine, 61, made 25 landings worth £1,828,981 from the Zephyr.

Charisma är medlem i Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association (SPFA).

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