ICES föreslår ökade räkkvoter för 2015

ICES råd om räkkvoter omfattar i detta fall Barents Hav, Skagerak och Norska rännan samt Fladen i Nordsjön. För såväl Barents hav som Skagerak/Norska rännan föreslår ICES en ökning av kvoterna:

The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas has increased its total allowable catch (TAC) advice for coldwater shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in the Barents Sea to 70,000 metric tons for 2015.

That is up from the advice of 60,000t ICES has issued for every year since at least 2010.

“ICES advises on the basis of MSY [maximum sustainable yield] and precautionary considerations, and considering that the stock has always been exploited far below FMSY [fish mortality sustainable yield], that a catch increase, with total catches not exceeding 70,000 t, would remain precautionary,” wrote ICES in its advice, available in full here.


ICES also issued advice for the coldwater shrimp stocks in the North Sea’s Skagerrak and Norwegian Deep divisions, and Fladen Ground.

For the first two, ICES is advising maximum catches of 10,900t in 2015, up from its advice of 6,000t for this year and 5,800t for 2013. Based on average discard rates of the past three years, this would mean maximum landings of 9,777t, it said.

Stakeholders of the Skagerrak fishery recently met to discuss ways to reduce discards,after these earned them a red listing from WWF in Scandinavia. “Measures should be taken to reduce discarding of small shrimp,” wrote ICES.

For shrimp in the Fladen Group, ICES is still recommending a moratorium on catches, citing lack of data available.

ICES konstaterar också att tvillingtrål (dubbeltrål) blivit allt vanligare inom den svenska räkflottan och att antalet danska båtar minskat från 138 stycken år 1987 till 10 år 2014. Nån liknande minskning har inte skett i Sverige där det fortfarande finns omkring 60 räkfiskebåtar, något som innebär en kraftig överetablering vilket konstaterats av svenska Havs- och vattenmyndigheten (HaV).


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