Sänkta räkkvoter i Grönland

Under fler år har räkfångster och kvoter i det grönländska räkfisket minskat avsevärt. Totalt tillåten fångst (TAC) har sänkts efterhand och kommer att sänkas ytterligare inför nästa år:

With scientists advising a 25% cut in Greenland’s shrimp total allowable catch (TAC), the country — part of the kingdom of Denmark – could see catches tumble to levels not seen since the 1980s.

“There’s no doubt; the trend, both in the guidance and the catch, is significantly negative,” Royal Greenland’s CEO, Mikael Thinghuus, told Undercurrent News.

The government has not issued the TAC for next year yet but, based on past years, a likely scenario is that the cuts will be introduced gradually over the next couple of years.

The proposed cuts could take Greenland’s catches down to around 70,000 metric tons or even less — a huge drop from recent years and less than half the catches seen from 2004 to 2008.

It would be the first time since the 1980s that catches fall below 80,000t, according to data collected by NAFO (charts below).

On the other hand, catches in Greenland only started exceeding the 100,000t mark in the early 2000s. “It’s worth remembering that its not so many years ago that 60,000t was perfectly normal,” said Thinghuus.


Källa: Nafo,

Thinghuus från Royal Greenland menar dessutom att de minskad fångsterna av räkor måste innebär att räkor återigen måste bli den lyxvara det en gång var. Med betydliigt högre slutpriser till konsument än idag.

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